Monday, June 29, 2009

1st stamp!

:)) I`m so excited to show this! for month i wanted to do a stamp and it wan`t that easy as i first thought, because i couln`t find all the thing i need for thet purpose.

I would like to make many many stamps with other colors. But i can`t find anywhere colors except- blue, red and black :{

But i`m so happy with this result (as first) ! Do you like it? WiSH YOU a joyful and sunny week! :)))


  1. You made that? Very cool! Love it!

  2. I did stamps with potatoes once:P

  3. :)) yes i made it.
    Sofia i also made once at school when i was little

  4. This looks fun. Did you made it from rubber or something else? Maybe I will try doing my own one too!

  5. Yes, like this alot. Also would love to do potato prints and some lino cut too.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.x


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