Friday, July 31, 2009

Art: At Home

Hi, dear artistic friends! I haven't been here these days. I was quite bussy to make the party for my sister's birthday and having a lovely time with my boyfr. I've missed you and saturday morning will be a moment to see what i've missed in your awesome blogs! :)
I'm thinking for a long tim that here in my hometown apartment we have so much art-stuff and paintings from a professional painters that i have to show them to you!
So here it is the First!
It is made from one friend of my parents called Nikolai Tiholov.
He is the best, I think.
We called him yesterday that we would buy one for present and for one night he did it. Isn't he AWESOME!
Hope you have a great weekend. I'm relaxing with a glass of wine this friday evening :)

P.S. I forgot to tell you that this is e view of my hometown


  1. Hi L, The painting that your friend did is beautiful. I especially love the bursts of colot.

    YOu are right my armoire painting is similar to your weekend send off:) Have a great painting weekend

  2. this is beautiful, and i bet your hometown is just as lovely!!!

    Hey Lolly-Jolly, I've left something for you on my blog... check it out.

    Hugs, Teza

  3. That's gorgeous! You have a talented friend :)

  4. What a beautiful picture! Hope you enjoyed your wine and your weekend!


My day is jolly with you comment!