Saturday, July 11, 2009

French Touch

Last weekend i was on a trip with my family to the seaside.
Here are some photos that are not in bulgarian style for decoration. They are more french by my opinion. I hope you like them. My favourite is the old bycicle- just gorgeous!


  1. I'm jsut trying if the problem with the comments is gone!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Love the bicycle! Your blog is looking great - very cool background. I tried to comment on a couple of posts last week but for some reason, the commenting wasn't working. Thanks so much for your comments and for following my blog!

  4. Dear Lora,
    Thank you for the nice comments at my blog. I decided to follow your blog, as it is so energetic, interesting, young and optimistic, I could not stop smiling while reading it. Good luck!
    I advice you to look at as a really great resourse for watercolor and other arts beginners.

  5. This is gorgeous! Where is that? :)

  6. In Shumen :D The best cafe in town

  7. Hi Lora, nice blog! The bike picture is excellent, a good subject to paint.Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your nice words.

  8. That bicycle is stunning. On the lookout for the perfect little whicker basket for mine!



My day is jolly with you comment!