Thursday, August 13, 2009

French Films

Hi, dreamers!
Have you ever seen The Dreamers from Bernardo Bertolucci?
I have. It's absolutely fabolous! Totally my style of movie- a little crazy, a little erotic, and with a big story. Ok, the erotic maybe is not so little..:)As i'm starting leaning french again i've decided to make a french movie week so i can get better in lexical knowledge.
So here you're going to be the most important, cause i'm expecting for your recommens:)I'll be really happy if you can help me with this new start. :)
Have a wonderful day!


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  4. Dreamer ? I have seen it more than 10 times. truly, a masterpiece. If possible see 'Stealing Beauty'. Yes, French language is great :)

  5. Hello, really enjoyed reading your posts - thank you for sharing !

  6. French movies are the best. I will have to add this one to my list. Thanks!


My day is jolly with you comment!