Wednesday, August 26, 2009

J'adore : Rennes

I told you that i start leaning French again, after 3 years break.
I've never been a type of girl who loves to learn languages, but this time i'm truly in love with it!
Do you want walk for awhile on the Rennes's streets...?

All photos from Vince Arno


  1. oh french french french! i am in love with everything french! My soul belongs to french even if I don`t speak that well... :) i wish you the best luck in learning this language :)

    bisous et a toute, nath

  2. I was also learning franch for a year but I had other school obligations so I had to quit.
    But now that it is my last year in high school and I want to study abroad or work somewhere in a foreign country french would be a very big plus in my CV I'm going to study it again since my love to it that made me study it the first time didn't go away


  3. These photos are so beautiful! I love them. I have always wanted to learn French but haven't ever tried.


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