Monday, September 21, 2009

Lovely House

Hi, dear artists!
I had such a bad weeks, so many terrible things have happened to me that i couldn't even think of my blog! I'm so sorry i stopped posting. Also i'm sure i have missed a lot of your lovely blogs.
Hope everything is going to be fine and i won't leave you again :)

As a new start (the uni is starting in 2 days) I want to make you a pleasure with this lovely house. Enjoy it! And have a fresh start of the week everyone :)


  1. About two years ago I was playing the Sims2 like a mad, non stop. This ergonomic house reminded me of the cosy and dream about houses I constructed for my lovely Sims...
    I hope all your problems are gone and only sunny days are in future.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. wow, what a gorugous room. i love the white rooms. and the stairs a lovely.

    i add you to my blogroll

  4. i love the bathroom, it 's like a wellness room

  5. OH, I so want to live there. FANTASTIC.


My day is jolly with you comment!