Friday, October 30, 2009


Hi, guys
I haven't much time last week to check your blogs, but finally it's friday! :)
This week was so exciting for me because these 2 things that have happend:
1st- I have been to a wonderful concert of the Singer Silvie Vartan, which lives in France, but actually she's bulgarian
2nd- I saw my result on a very important exam, which wasn't satisfying, but is good enough to go and study in France for 1 semester.

I wanted to inspire you with these amazing jewells that i appreciate fom a long time ago!
They have the name Lalo. I hope you can find a shop near you! Check out their site here!
I have a tradition to buy something from that shop as often as i can.

The photos are from the site, but the one about. which is not that great(but i don't have a professional camera) is mine and it's a beautiful ring that i bought soon:)


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My day is jolly with you comment!