Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Good morning everyone!
This morning when i wake up and open my eyes i tought about pancakes.
And the next moment i was already making them:)
Do you love pancakes?
They always remind me of me and my sister. I love them with a jem, made by my grandmother or with cheese. :) To be honest my pancakes are not like these...they are thinner and bigger:)
Have a great day! With or without pancakes :)
this photo is here


  1. Ooh, I love pancakes! My husband makes them better than I do, and it's about the only thing he cooks. Well, if he only has the desire to cook only one thing, I'm happy that it's pancakes!

  2. I love pancakes!!! and mine too are thiner and bigger... but I do cheese pancakes - Niglla's idea and I love them to bits but they are SO FAT!!!

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog and for following me! Hope to see you around quite often!


My day is jolly with you comment!