some art

How is your friday? Mine is a little boring because i had such a desire to make some hand carved stamps. Unfortunately with no reason i can`t explane how it could be that but in my country in the Capital of it I can`t find exactly what i need for that stamps... No matter here i find something interesting as well and it makes me forget about the failure.

And by the way Iva
is posting something that she made and it`s what i`m talkin about :)

Here i find something beautiful! this girl make so pretty things. She is a graphic designer and illustrator. Her works are great example of design. I`m completely in love with them!
Have a lovely, inspiring and relaxing weekend :)


Sofia said...

I've seen it before!:D It's incredible what you can do with paper:)

I'm having a boring Friday too:/ You're not alone:P

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I LOVE that tree!

sophie munns said...

Hi Lolly, I love that natural cardboard assemblage above...good to see you are painting...and I do like your little indoor garden by the way!
thanks for sending a lovely comment to my blog today!
best wishes,

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