summertime is here

:) After long and really hard year at university i`m officially done with it! All the exams are just in the past and after the last i go to buy myself a dress to celebrate the beginning of my summer :))
I have a lot of plans and hopes for this summer, which i`m going to tell you later.
The 1st thing is my dream to go to that beach! This is the heaven, isn`t it?
What are you going to do this summer?
I really wish everyone to have the best summer!
Now i`m going outside to buy some presents for my sister. Have a sunny day! See you all later:) BIG HUG to you


Sofia said...

Nice bay:D
And congratulations for ending the exams, I know the feeling and it's really good.

My summer plans include going to London next week for the 1st time and probably going to a music festival for a week too in August (camping festival:P). This is what I know until now:)

where is that beach?

Eric McGrew said...

Well, I hope your plans for the beach work out well, and congrats on being out of school for the summer!

I want to go snowboarding this month, but alas, I live in the southern hemisphere and it is currently winter here. That's okay though! Snowboarding is the coolest sport ever!

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

congrats on exams being over!! the beach sounds so good to me too :)

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