Yesterday My Father made me a surprise by buyin me a wonderful magazine called Ideal Home: Decor
He have the impression of my love to handmade things and especially paper as a light material which can decorate almost everything. He saw that it was this tutorial there and now I can't wait to show you how to make your own paper!
Materials are:
- Used paper, torn into chunks [roughly palm-sized]
- An old picture frame
- Screen, large enough to cover frame [nylon, charcoal, fiberglass, or mixed]
- Scissors
- Stapler
- Small tub or sink, with a few inches of water in it
- Blender
- [optional] Liquid starch for clothing
- [optional] Spices, like cinnamon, for scent
- [optional] Grass, leaves, flowers, glitter, etc. for embellishment

Preparation of the Paper Pulp:

Form your Sheet of Paper:

It can be used for cards, notebooks- as a cover, journals, sketchbooks and more and more other papergoods.
You can use also different kinds of leafs or twigs and also the paper can be pressed with something so you can get effect of some texture.

I hope you like that tutorial and if you try it, please send me the result :)
Have a wonderful, creative day!
What a pretty project!
Oh wow! This looks like a ton of fun! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks! Intentare hacerlo :)
Ooh fun! I totally want to try this. Thanks for the tutorial!
Very cool!
Have a Bright, Bold, and Beautiful weekend ~~
xo Laura
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